Legal notice for the Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme website
By navigating the pages of the website Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme, web users acknowledge that they have read and accepted the limited liability and conditions of use of the site offered by the internet. Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme cannot be held liable for any difficulties in connecting to the internet or viewing pages on its website. In particular, web users recognise the differences in interpretation of webpages according to the various browsers present on the market.
Conception, production, design, technical administration, site management
Place de l’église
12120 ARVIEU
Head office : 2 rue Kellerman
59100 Roubaix
This website is the property of Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme
Director of publication: Yannick Corbel – Director of Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme
Website Manager: Céline Madelaine
Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme
45 Bis Boulevard Cosmao Dumanoir
Telephone: +33 (0)297 847 800
Email: accueil@lorient-tourisme.fr
Atout France Registration No. W561004497
Financial guarantee: APS – 15 avenue Carnot – 75017 PARIS
Siret 77784231100022 – APE 7990Z – Intracommunity VAT number: FR79777842311
GDPR - Data Protection
Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Following explicit authorization – form and banner for cookies -, the data transmitted by Internet users is kept by Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme for a period of thirteen months, in accordance with the recommendations in force. Data is used exclusively by Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme, and is not sold or leased to third parties.
The information collected is subject to computer processing intended to monitor private exchanges between Internet users and the employees of Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme, and may be used for informational and commercial purposes.
Only employees of Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme have access to it.
In accordance with the French law “informatique et libertés” of January 6, 1978, Internet users have a right to access, rectify, modify or delete any personal information concerning them. To exercise this right and obtain your personal information, please contact Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme, Céline Madelaine, 45 Bis Boulevard Cosmao Dumanoir, 56100 Lorient – +33(0)2 97 847 800 – contact@lorient-tourisme.fr
Data collection
Contact and Brochure Request Forms
The data collected in the contact form enables our teams to respond to Internet users’ requests for information or to initiate a commercial relationship.
The data collected are the email, first name, surname or company or function, contact details of the user, and the request.
The Google Analytics application collects website traffic per page anonymously.
It uses cookies.
Sharing on Social Networks
The sharing functions on social networks make it easy to link to the content of the shared page on users’ social network accounts.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is the equivalent of a small text file stored on the user’s computer or device. They have existed for more than 20 years, and enable website developers to keep user data to facilitate their navigation and enable certain functions.
What do we use them for?
Cookies allow us to compile statistics on visits to our site (examples: number of visits, pages viewed, sections consulted), to understand visitor activity and improve the site’s functionalities and ergonomics in order to make your browsing experience more pleasant.
How do I turn them off?
You may oppose the saving of Cookies in general or on a case-by-case basis by configuring your internet browser or by disabling them directly with the third party issuers.
What will happen if I block cookies?
To be able to use certain services on our site, your web browser must accept cookies. If you refuse to give your consent, or block cookies, certain features of the Site will not function properly and you will not be able to access all or part of our Site.
What cookies do we use?
Google Analytics: These cookies are installed by Google Analytics and are used to collect non-personal information about the use visitors make of our Site. This information is used to generate reports explaining how our Site is being used so that we can improve it. These cookies collect information anonymously, including visitor numbers to our Site and the pages visited. Google has developed the “Opt-out Browser Add-on” that stops the flow of data sent to Google Analytics even if cookies are enabled on your browser. For more information, you can go to https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
Content and Information
The Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme website provides content for information only. This information is provided as is, regardless of its origin. Lorient Bretagne sud Tourisme cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the information provided on its site. Prices are provided as an indication.
Under no circumstance can Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme be considered a partner or intermediary in any economic or other relationship that may be established directly or indirectly between the user and a partner.
Lorient Bretagne ud Tourisme reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without obligation, to remove, improve or correct all or some of its services or elements on its site. It does not guarantee that the services on its site will be provided without interruption or without error, or that any defects will be corrected. It also provides no guarantee and declines all responsibility in the event of the presence of viruses or any other elements that may be harmful to the user.
Users who have been invited to read this warning before consulting the site are presumed to be fully informed of this warning and to accept it without reservation.
Links Policy
Links directing to the site www.lorientbretagnesudtourisme.fr are subject to strict prior authorisation except in the case of indexing by a search engine or directory.
External links from the site www.lorientbretagnesudtourisme.fr, are subject to the agreement of the publishers concerned. However Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme shall not be held liable for the content or proper functioning of said sites. Internet users remain free to follow or these links or not.
The presence of hypertext links to other sites shall not constitute a guarantee of the quality of the content or proper functioning of these sites. Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme shall not be held liable for the content of these sites. Internet users must use this information with the usual precautions.
Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme has a standard agreement of reciprocity for internet links, setting out admissible partnerships and the applicable technical modalities in this matter. For any hypertext links to the Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme website that have not been subject to a prior agreement, if it does not approve of the content, Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme, reserves the right to demand the removal at any time of said hypertext link pointing to its website.
Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme shall not be held liable in any way by the existence of a link to its site from a third party site.
Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme has no control over the content of external links or contacts to which they may refer.
The content is comprised of texts, illustrations and downloadable documents categorised by theme, forming the Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme website. Any partial or total reproduction of the content, graphics, texts or illustrations, for the purposes of any publication, is strictly prohibited without the written consent of Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme.
It is forbidden to reproduce or use, photographs, images, maps, texts, database extractions, graphic design elements or in general any elements of the site without the prior consent of their authors. Failure to comply with this prohibition shall constitute an infringement that may result in civil or criminal liability of the counterfeiter.
Users therefore acknowledge that the content of this site and the elements that comprise it are protected by intellectual property rights and that any copy, reproduction, distribution, sale or exploitation, whatever the process, is strictly prohibited.
Only private, non-commercial use is permitted. As far as possible, before its distribution Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme ensures the sincerity and compliance of the messages and elements on its website. In this respect, it has only a simple obligation of means and cannot in any way guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information and content of its site.
The content of this site is protected by copyright in application of article L122-4 of the French intellectual property code. The images and texts on this website are the property of the respective photographers and authors. Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourisme has acquired the rights of reproduction and exploitation; for this reason the reproduction of images for advertising or commercial purposes for insertion in newspapers, magazines or other general or specialized publications and in electronic media or any other audio-visual medium is strictly prohibited
Maps AudéLor – Atlas of Lorient Bretagne Sud 2009 – Maps Lorient Agglomeration – Maps Lorient Bretagne Sud Tourism.
Photographers: Thomas Deregnieaux – Xavier Dubois – Tony Esnault – Louise Garin – Emmanuel Lemée – Thibault Poriel – Yvan Zedda